What is Takuache? Meaning and Origin

Takuache — Definition and History

You might have seen various videos on TikTok or Instagram that showcase “takuache” repeatedly without knowing what it is.

Takuache itself is popularized by the Mexican-American young generation who love the world of trucks, in general.

There are various opinions and definitions of the term, and we are about to discover it more deeply.

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What is Takuache?

In Spanish, “takuache” has the meaning of “opossum”, but later, that term is identified as modern cowboys.

Takuache is a term to describe men, particularly, Mexican men, who have a unique style that has a correlation with a cowboy.

Usually, the majority of them love trucks, either dropped trucks or lifted trucks, which are also known as “mamalonas”.

Takuaches are always proud to showcase their talents and skills in operating trucks and they are quite good at it.


Actually, the car culture is not a new culture in the pop-culture history of the Mexican-American community.

Its popularity came from the mid-1940s when there was a lowrider culture in California and later, buying secondhand cars became a trend.

In the 1960s, there was a first lowrider club that made its way to Texas and finally, Texas has seen as a new subculture with the title of Trokiando.

As time passes, the popularity of Trokiando and Takuache rises and is popularized by the young generation of Generation Z and late millennials.


In general, takuaches usually wear bootcut jeans, gold chains, and also fitted caps. They usually also love to wear some statement shoes, such as square-toed boots or Jordans.

On the other side, there are also takuaches who dress in American fighting gear and decorate their skin with tattoos and piercings.

In daily life, they usually drive Chevy Silverado trucks with the name “mamalona” and add some spice with “cuh” after every sentence.

Takuache in the Recent Years

After the popularity of this term in the past, the rise of takuache came back after it touched the soul of TikTok society.

On this social media platform, takuache trends hit billion views and feature some posts from many influencers in the community.

Those influencers vary from many regions, such as Videl Rodriguez, Esteban Guerrero, and many more.

This is also helped by the huge rise of corridor music in the late years, so it is no surprise to find how huge this trend is.


Takuache is really a unique and distinct trend in the world of pop culture nowadays. It becomes the real evidence that society constantly grows to create something more unique.

This term is also popularized by social media and it’s really interesting to see the rise of the culture itself.


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